Our Services
If you have been notified of a Tax Levy, Lien, Garnishment, or Seizure of assets? Don’t wait! Contact us today for a consultation.
Financial hardship happens. There are a number of options available to get a plan set up to pay your tax debt over time that will be comfortably fit withing in your budget. Let us represent you and get the best terms of repayment possible.
An Offer In Compromise is where the IRS agrees to settle a taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. With an Offer, you are proposing to pay a lesser amount to the IRS than you owe, based upon your ability to pay. Offers are complicated and require experience and knowledge. We will determine if you have a reasonable chance of qualifying, prepare and submit the offer as your representative.
It’s scary to find out you are being audited. We can represent you before the IRS or State Tax Authorities.
Are you behind in payroll taxes? Don’t wait!! The IRS takes this more seriously than many other tax problems and penalties can add up fast. Let us help you.
Bankruptcy can be useful to stop IRS collection efforts, potentially discharge income taxes that are old enough, and force repayment plans on otherwise unwilling IRS. Tax penalties may also be discharged through the bankruptcy. Since this is such a complex area, your best bet is to consult with an attorney that is an expert at bankruptcy issues.
“Failure to file” penalties can be substantive. Even if you are unable to pay the taxes, it’s important to file back taxes as soon as possible to stop “failure to file” penalties from increasing.
Has the IRS deemed you a “Responsible Person” for a company that did not pay payroll tax? Please do NOT ignore this correspondence. Let us help you argue your case to get your “Responsible Person” status dropped.
Have you relied on your spouse to prepare your tax returns? Have you received a letter from the IRS about back taxes due that surprised you? We can help you assess your situation and explain the options you have for applying for relief from an unfair situation.
How do we help?
We respond professionally to any IRS correspondence you receive. We contact the IRS on your behalf so that you don’t have to face them directly.
We understand the IRS collections process and your rights. We represent your case before the IRS and we fight for you on issues that involve IRS collections and audits.
We negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. We negotiate penalties, interest, and taxes due to lower your debt. We help you get levies and liens removed from your assets. We can also negotiate a payment plan or settlement of tax debt through the Offer In Compromise program.